Copyright Q&A

What are copyrights?

“Copyright” means the moral rights and economic rights subsisting in a completed work, and Copyright Owner means the person who owns the moral rights and economic rights of such work. Copyrights come into existence as soon as a work is completed, with no special procedures or registration required. Moral rights

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What kinds of works are protected by copyright?

The term “works” in the Copyright Act includes works in literature, science, the arts, and other intellectual realms. It includes oral and literary works (such as poems, verses, prose, fictions, plays or scenarios, and lectures), musical works (such as scores and lyrics), dramatic and choreographic works (such as pantomimes, musicals,

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When does copyright protection begin?

Article 10 of the Copyright Act provides, “The author (creator) of a work shall enjoy copyright upon completion of the work.” That is to say, a creator enjoys copyrights as soon as he or she has completed a work. Registration is not required.

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What is the term of copyright protection?

Copyrights are divided into moral rights and economic rights. Protection of moral rights is perpetual. Economic rights are for the lifetime of the creator and for 50 years after his or her death. However, economic rights in pseudonymous or anonymous works, works authored by a juristic person (e.g. a company

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What is the scope of copyright protection?

Copyrights are divided into moral rights and economic rights. Moral rights include: right of public release, right of attribution, and right of integrity. Economic rights include: reproduction right, public recitation right, public broadcasting right, public presentation right(for audiovisual works), public performance right, public transmission right, public display right(unpublished fine arts

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Do product instruction manuals enjoy copyright protection even if they only contain operating procedures and specification descriptions?

Copyrightable “works” includes works in literature, science, the arts, and other academic area. Oral and literary works include poems, verses, prose, fictions, plays or scenarios, academic theses, lectures, and other oral and literary works. Product instruction manuals-even those that merely contain operating procedures and specification descriptions-fall in the category of

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What are “technological protection measures”? What new provisions have been made in the Copyright Act?

Technological protection measures are protective measures employed by economic rights owners to prevent others from accessing or exploiting works without authorization. Such protective measures may take the form of equipment, devices, add-on components, encryption technology, a serial number, a password, or some other technology designed especially for technology protection purpose.

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