Trademark Q&A

How to acquire trademark registration?

After a trademark application has been approved, the trademark registration shall not be published after payment of the registration fee has been paid. The payment should be made within two months from the date following the approval decision. The trademark rights related thereto are accorded on the date when the trademark registration is published, and the registration certificate is delivered by postal service immediately after the publication of the registration. Where the required fee for an approved trademark remains unpaid by the end of the stipulated period, a trademark shall not be published for registration. (§32Ⅰ;§32Ⅱ, Trademark Act)
Where an applicant has unintentionally failed to pay the fee within two months, the applicant may pay double within six months from the day following the date on which the prescribed period expires, in which case the Registrar Office will publish the registration. However, this shall not be applied if an application for trademark registration filed or rights of a trademark obtained by a third party during such period would be affected.